Author: The Wealth Training Company

Jim Rogers – Investor Profile

Jim Rogers (October 19, 1942, Baltimore, Maryland, US) is a businessman, investor, traveler, financial commentator and author based in Singapore. He has a current personal net worth of approximately $400 million USD. Jim Rogers is known for co-founding the Quantum Fund with George Soros which achieved Stella returns of 4200% over a decade, by contrast, the S&P advanced about 47% during the same time period. He is also known for being the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI). The RICI tracks 38 commodity futures contracts from 13 international exchanges. Moreover, because the index has had very few...

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T.Boone Pickens – Investor Profile

Thomas Pickens (May 22, 1928, Holdenville, Oklahoma) is an American business magnate and financier with a net worth of $500 million (2016). T.Boone Pickens chairs the hedge fund BP Capital Management. He remained a closely followed Oracle of the energy markets. He was a well-known corporate raider which made him a celebrity during the 1980s. At age 12, Pickens delivered newspapers. He quickly expanded his paper route from 28 papers to 156. Pickens later cited his boyhood job as an early introduction to “expanding quickly by acquisition”. Thomas Pickens graduated in geology from Oklahoma State University in 1951. He...

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John Petry – Investor Profile

John Petry is another relatively unknown hedge fund manager who has consistently managed to achieve alpha returns in any market condition. Petry’s weighted average return was a phenomenal 205% in the past year, including 22% gains in 2017. John Petry’s Sessa Capital disproves the view that the hedge fund industry is unable to generate alpha returns and is in a crisis. Some of the top-performing funds are small. Moreover, they don’t get much media coverage because they are big fish swimming in a small pond unlike the hedge fund moguls with multi-billion funds under management. So the industry’s titans...

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Ivan Boesky – Investor Profile

Ivan Boesky (March 6, 1937, Detroit, Michigan) former American stock trader amassed a fortune of more than US$200 million by betting on corporate takeovers and placed on the Forbes 400 wealthiest American list Boesky was the face of “greed is good” (until he went to prison). He personified the mid-1980s culture on Wall Street and he inspired Oliver Stone’s Wall Street where the leading character in the film was Gordon Gekko, who was the perfect hero/villain for the decade of greed. Ivan Boesky also reserved his place in history by making it on the cover of Time magazine December...

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Michael Milken – Investor Profile

Michael Milken (born July 4, 1946) epitomized the Wall Street greed of the 80s, he was knick-named the “Junk Bond King” who earned between $200 million and $550 million a year at the height of his success. But Milken will probably go down in history as being the creator of the greatest innovation in the recent history of finance (and it is not the ATM) it is the junk bond. Paradoxically, the 70-year-old would end-up indicted in 1989 for racketeering, securities fraud and insider trading and banned for life from the very game he invented. Indeed, Michael Milken has...

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