Author: The Wealth Training Company

Matt Whineray – Investor Profile

Matt Whineray is the Chief Investment Officer of NZ Super Fund which manages New Zealand’s $25 billion Superannuation Fund (personal retirement fund). Matt Whineray has held a series of senior roles at the Guardians since joining the organization in 2008 as the General Manager Private Markets. As CIO he manages a team of 35 investment professionals with responsibility for asset allocation, public and private market investments globally and in New Zealand. He oversees that the fund is making responsible investment and he is also in charge of appointing of external money managers. Matt Whineray was formerly Head of Financial...

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David Dreman – Investor Profile

David Dreman (1939, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) is a noted value contrarian investor. Dreman has been at the cutting edge of research into contrarian investing for over three decades, he is also the founder, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Dreman Value Management, an investment company. Dreman graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1958. His background is in finance, Dreman’s father, Joseph Dreman was a prominent trader on the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange for many years. David Dreman commenced his career in finance. After Dreman graduated he worked as director of research for Rauscher Pierce, then as a senior investment...

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Philip Fisher – Investor Profile

Philip Fisher (September 8, 1907 – March 11, 2004) is best known as the author of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, a guide to investing The book in now an investors’ classic and continues to remain in print ever since it was first published in 1958. Philip Fisher began his investment career in 1928 when he dropped out of Stanford Graduate School of Business (in a bizarre twist he would later return to teach the investment course). He started working as a securities analyst with the Anglo-London Bank in San Francisco. He would then switched to a stock exchange...

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Takashi Kotegawa – Investor Profile

Takashi Kotegawa (nickname BNF / J-Com man), 39-year-old (2018) with a net worth of 185 million USD (2008) is Japan’s most famous day trader. Rail thin, with a shaggy mop of hair, often wearing a gray sweater, jeans, and sneakers no one would have taken him for a multimillionaire. But Takashi Kotegawa has been described as a hermit who turned his college part-time work savings, the yen equivalent of $13,000, into over $150 million in 8 years. In the process, Takashi Kotegawa has become a cult figure among Japanese day traders, a tight circle of self-taught professionals who take...

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Peter Schiff says we are near the endgame

“We are near the endgame…And Trump’s Gonna be the FallGuy” said Peter Schiff CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc. Peter Schiff is known for not mincing his words and he has long held the view that the financial crisis of 2008 was just the opening act for a coming Depression. Peter Schiff sets the bearish narrative right at the very beginning of his latest interview. “The economy is going to blow up like a bomb and when that happens, Donald Trump will take all of the blame,” he said. But Peter Schiff takes no schadenfreude...

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