Crispin Odey battles investor withdrawals with his fund almost on the brink of dissolution.
Crispin Odey’s sudden change of fortune is not due to lady luck not smiling upon him, on the contrary. London’s pinstriped financier with an aristocratic line and a daredevil swagger made a comeback in 2023 as his bearish bets against UK assets in 2022 paid handsomely.

“Crispin Odey battles investor withdrawals with his fund almost on the brink of dissolution”
So much so that Crispin Odey’s fund fully recouped losses accumulated between 2015 and 2020.
Non-gentlemanly treatment of ladies; the crux of Crispin Odey battles investor withdrawals
They say thirteen is an unlucky number which is the number of women pressing charges against the billionaire investor for sexual misconduct.
Those events were kicked off, on June 8, by a nearly 7,900-word investigation in The Financial Times, in which 13 women said Odey had assaulted or abused them — at his firm’s opulent offices in Mayfair, in his London townhouse and at his country mansion in western England. Many of the women quoted also said Odey’s behaviour was known throughout the firm.
Crispin Odey is a member of the Oxbridge old school boy network club, schooled at Harrow, then Oxford University
The City of London, where top positions are filled with British elites gaming the market to maintain their wealth, status and influence. Manufacturing is considered too ungentlemanly, grimy, and dirty for the upper class, the British aristocracy. Perhaps the most classist system in the world destroyed its own industry. The British auto industry went from the second largest in the world in the 1950s to nothing in the 2020s.

“The City of London, where top positions are filled with British elites gaming the market to maintain their wealth, status and influence”
Crispin Odey battles investor withdrawals, as the big names in finance exit their dealings with the fund
The firm’s financial counterparties — including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, which all provided crucial banking services to the firm have cut ties.
To slow down a growing wave of investors’ withdrawals Odey Asset Management said it had removed Odey from the partnership.
“It is unclear how much money remains at Odey Asset Management, which oversaw $4.9 billion earlier this year” – Wealth Training Company
The firm is also in “advanced discussions” to transfer funds and staff to other firms.
It is unclear how much money remains at Odey Asset Management, which oversaw $4.9 billion earlier this year.
Crispin Odey battles investor withdrawals and has now halted investors from withdrawing their money from others, after what the firm described as “a sizable level of redemption requests.”
In the hedge fund world, such a move, known as “gating,” is considered a desperate measure to prevent the equivalent of a run on the bank.
In response, Odey Asset Management said it treated sexual misconduct allegations like this “extremely seriously” and had robust policies and procedures in place” to comply with the law and financial regulations.
Crispin Odey battles investor withdrawals based on rumours
Here is the takeaway; Crispin Odey was cleared of indecent assault by the British court in 2021. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Allegations are enough to destroy a financial career.
What if the accusers were engaging in sexual favours for promotion?
Crispin Odey financially backed Brexit, which was disastrous for the country, then made a fortune shorting British assets. Someone high up the food chain could now want his head.