George Soros is to end most EU operations; for the infamous billionaire speculator it is mission accomplished, Europe could soon be a war zone. 

The Russian war machine is all riled up and on the roll, with Ukraine’s forces virtually depleted, an estimated 400,000 dead and severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

Ukraine surrender terms is what comes next.  

“George Soros is to end most EU operations; for the infamous billionaire speculator it is mission accomplished, Europe could soon be a war zone”


Where are Russia’s Wagner dogs of war heading next; Poland, and Lithuania, Finland, Sweden? 

NATO war machines and nuclear missiles in Russia’s buffer zone, Ukraine, was why Russia invaded Ukraine. 

NATO’s nukes in Ukraine gave the West splendid first-strike capabilities and was deemed an existential threat to Russia. 

So a NATO peace accord with Russia, where Russia doesn’t fully occupy Ukraine and install a Kremlin puppet leader is likely dead in the water.

Moreover, Finland and Sweden joining NATO could also be deemed an existential threat to Russia. So a similar rationale Russia used for invading Ukraine could be applied to justify a Russian invasion of these Scandinavian countries. Russian army meat grinders would make mince meat in these small countries. 

“a NATO peace accord with Russia, where Russia doesn’t fully occupy Ukraine and install a Kremlin puppet leader is likely dead in the water”


The German army is a shadow of what it was during WW2 with less than 200K personnel.  

The Polish might be the only willing and courageous fighters in continental Europe left. 

The US army is strengthening its position in Poland, which could be Europe’s new Western front if Ukrainian surrender terms are rejected by Russia.

“George Soros has been deemed a national security risk by a string of countries” – Wealth Training Company

George Soros is to end most EU operations; mission accomplished central and northern Europe could soon be a battleground unless there is a change in foreign policy

George Soros is to end most EU operations, but why did the EU not deem him a security risk? 

“The key is for NATO to identify Eastern European sources of manpower provided with NATO technology then used to inflict pain on Russia” – George Soros 1993

George Soros has been deemed a national security risk by a string of countries, and his charity front, financing colour revolutions to destabilising countries, is far from being altruistic.  George Soros profits handsomely by scheming mayhem, then profits from the chaos and misery of others.  

Perhaps his disturbing start to his early life probably had an impact on his investment philosophy; thrive in a crisis, survive at all costs.

George Soros, a Hungarian jew, survived the WW2 Nazis Budapest occupation by collaborating with the Nazis, confiscating the property of his fellow Jews as thousands of his fellow countrymen were herded into cattle trains destined for the notorious death camps. 

George Soros is a ruthless savage with a fake veneer of respectability that makes him an ideal headcase for criminal psychologists.

So it is no surprise that a string of countries, from his native Hungary to Russia, has banned him from entering their borders based on being a national security risk.

India noted that George Soros’s charities that propose the strengthening of democracy needs to be monitored.  Donors can no longer send money directly to these outfits in India. 

Even Israel agrees with Hungary, claiming the infamous Soros a national security threat.

But George Soros is the apple of the eye of the neoconservative warmongers, so the mainstream media always paint George Soros in a positive light. 

George Soros is to end most EU operations; where next, the US?