What if George Soros’s Europe’s financial crisis view plays out in 2019? George Soros, the billionaire speculator warned that Europe is heading for another financial crisis.

George Soros’s Europe’s financial crisis view is based on the veteran investor described how “everything that could go wrong has gone wrong” for the European Union. Moreover, last year George Soros warns of an “existential crisis” in Europe.

“everything that could go wrong has gone wrong”


“It is no longer a figure of speech to say that Europe is in existential danger; it is the harsh reality,” said George Soros at the European Council of Foreign Relation’s annual council meeting on May 29.

George Soros’s solution for Europe for member states of the European Union to continue along a path as an “open society” which entails nations “sacrificing sovereignty for the common good”.

So George Soros’s Europe’s financial crisis view stems from rising popular nationalism which overwhelmingly rejects the billionaire investor’s “solution” for Europe to embrace an open society.

“Since the financial crisis of 2008, the European Union seems to have lost its way” said George Soros.

George Soros’s Europe’s financial crisis view also centers on Brexit, an abbreviation for “British exit,” referring to the UK’s decision in a June 23, 2016 referendum to leave the European Union (EU).

“Since the financial crisis of 2008, the European Union seems to have lost its way”


The anti-Brexit billionaire believes that Brext is damaging for the UK but equally Brexit is also detrimental for the EU. “Brexit is an immensely damaging process, harmful to both sides” said George Soros.

George Soros has predicted five years of Brexit divorce proceedings. “This divorce will be a long process, probably five years, which is an eternity in politics” predicted. George Soros.

Britain will officially leave the EU March 29, 2019, through a transition period is currently set to last until December 31, 2020.

“This divorce will be a long process, probably five years, which is an eternity in politics” – George Soros

George Soros’s Europe’s financial crisis view could also play out with the global economy stumbling in 2019

Europe’s largest economy Germany is export orientated and while a depreciating euro provides exports in the single bloc currency with tailwinds lackluster demand from China and the US could also outweigh any currency benefits for EU exporters.

Woes at Europe’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank have not been resolved and are likely to continue to be an ongoing problem in 2019. DB shares hit a record low in November in the wake massive derivative liabilities.

So George Soros’s Europe’s financial crisis view was a story in 2018 and it could also fill the headlines in 2019 with a litany of events likely to batter the EU superstate this year.

As the saying goes “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. So if the EU survives 2019 it could also emerge stronger. Hope for the best but plan for the worst-case scenario might also be prudent.