George Soros’s solution for Europe was thrashed out at the European Council of Foreign Relation’s annual council meeting on May 29.
The octogenarian billionaire investor took to the stage to warn the audience that (in his eyes) “everything that could go wrong has gone wrong”. Moreover, Soros made no bones about doubling down on his disgust, repulsion, and fear of rising populism sweeping the global political landscape which has come to be personified in the form of Trump.
George Soros took the opportunity of taking to the stage to make his strongest attack ever against sitting US President Trump. “Trump will destroy the world” said Soros. Perhaps investor should take that with a pinch of salt, bearing in that George Soros has been trumped by the Trump Trade.
So let’s zero in on George Soros’s solution for Europe speech and as usual remain apolitical, throw in some relevant facts and stir it up with a healthy twist of cynicism.

“Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong”
Could George Soros’s solution for Europe be motivated by self-interest?
George Soro’s solution for Europe is about first convincing his audience that Europe is riddled with problems. “It is no longer a figure of speech to say that Europe is in existential danger; it is the harsh reality” said Soros.
Soros explains the origins of Europe’s “existential danger”, in other words, risks that threaten the very existence of the European Union, then George Soros’s solution for Europe follows.
“People of my generation were enthusiastic supporters of the process.” Indeed, post WWII the idea of a unified Europe which fostered a climate of trade rather than endless conflict and war among neighboring countries was popular.
“I personally regarded the European Union as the embodiment of the idea of the Open Society. It was a voluntary association of equal states that banded together and sacrificed part of their sovereignty for the common good.

“It is no longer a figure of speech to say that Europe is in existential danger; it is the harsh reality”
But if George Soros’s solution for Europe is to continue along that path as an “open society” which entails nations “sacrificing sovereignty for the common good” then national elections in Europe become irrelevant, meaningless and the British, Italian, French, Spanish electorate might just as well no longer vote.
So a member nation surrenders its democracy to a superstate whereupon its society is governed by a raft of rules, a kind of bureaucratic utopianism unaccountable to the people open to abuse, corruption, and cronyism. How can that be an open society?
“The idea of Europe as an open society continues to inspire me” said George Soros.
“Since the financial crisis of 2008, the European Union seems to have lost its way” – George Soros
Soros’s solution for Europe is questionable
Soros identifies the problems of Europe which are difficult to argue against, nevertheless, George Soros’s solution for Europe paradoxically is part of the problem.
“Since the financial crisis of 2008, the European Union seems to have lost its way. It adopted a program of fiscal retrenchment which led to the euro crisis. This transformed the Eurozone into a relationship between creditors and debtors. A relationship that is neither voluntary nor equal” said, Soros.
Soros accurately notes that this created a political vacuum?
“Populist politicians exploited the resentments and formed anti-European parties and movements.” This could be true too.
“Whole of Europe has been disrupted by the refugee crisis. Unscrupulous leaders have exploited it even in countries that have accepted hardly any refugees. In Hungary, Victor Orban based his reelection campaign on falsely accusing me of planning to flood Europe, Hungary included, with Muslim refugees” said GeorgeSoros.
But it is not just Victor Orban who has accused Soros of flooding Europe with refugees. A piece in Zero hedge entitled, George Soros Single-handedly created The European Refugee Crisis – and why, explains.
Moreover, it is not just Victor Orban who has accused Soros of exploiting immigrants to create a crisis. Israel also backed Hungary and admitted that billionaire financier Soros is a threat. Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority claims that Soros tried to thwart a plan to deport 40,000 African asylum seekers to voluntarily leave Israel by the end of March with a $3,500 gift and a plane ticket to the unnamed country.
Just a footnote, Gaddafi warned European leaders that if Europe engages in a war which destroys Lybia Europe will destroy the wall between Africa and Europe.
But back to the issue that George Soros’s solution for Europe are part of the problem. Soros acknowledges that two speed Europe has created supplies in the more industrial fast pace of the North of the continent and ballooning debt in the South. That has created a relationship an unequal relationship between debtor and creditor nations which have forced the peripheral to endure crushing austerity.
Meanwhile, the north has been the main recipient of undocumented immigration due to generous state benefits. The end result has been a rise of popular anti-European parties.
“The EU has a high credit rating and its borrowing capacity is largely unused. When should that capacity be put to use if not in an existential crisis?” – George Soros
George Soros’s solution for Europe is that Europe should not close their internal borders and become “fortress Europe”, instead the “EU should launch a 30 billion a year Marshall Plan for Africa to alleviate the migratory pressure”.
“The EU has a high credit rating and its borrowing capacity is largely unused. When should that capacity be put to use if not in an existential crisis?”
Now think of George Soros’s solution for Europe in terms of the Hegelian dialectic problem, reaction, solution. The first step is to create a European refugee crisis based on destroying Libya and justify doing so with a big lie. Then wait for the problem to become Europe’s “existential danger” and finally appear on the stage as the white knight making a speech, George Soros’s solution for Europe. But how will Europe solve a refugee crisis and troubling peripheral sovereign debt problem with a Marshall Plan for Africa which will make Europe go further into debt?
In short, George Soros’s solution for Europe is about advancing globalism. So is the EU and the single bloc currency a testing ground for a one world government with one currency? Entire humanity, homogenized and laboring away for their master, a global holding stock company.
The US Trump administration’s nationalist stance is the only counter-force against globalism but is it the last kick of a dying horse?