Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement in the Great Reset is putting the cat amongst the pigeons.
In his recent eye-catching piece entitled, “How Our Computer Forecasts the Failure of Schwab & World Economic Forum” Martin Armstrong warns that the Great Reset is being shaped by utopian academics who have little or no hands-on experience about surviving in the real world.
Martin Armstrong is somewhat of a controversial market forecaster and trader.
He uses his own Economic Confidence Model (also called the “pi” cycle) in his forecasting and his advice has been sought by numerous governments.

“Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement in the Great Reset”
Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement making specific reference to Professor Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Martin Armstrong opens his piece by focusing the spotlight on the WEF chairman.
“I find it interesting how Klaus Schwab champions the 4th Industrial Revolution and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world so we have to help shape it by destroying what we have to design the Great Reset,” wrote Martin Armstrong. “Only an academic would be that arrogant” added Martin Armstrong.
The theoretical models so detached from reality is the crux of Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement view
“I find it ironic that the economic theories that dominated the world during the 19th century, with the exception of Marx, had hands-on experience. Today, academics who lack any hands-on experience claim they have degrees. The world these people are trying to create is nothing more than a theory with no real-world experience” wrote Martin Armstrong.

“I find it interesting how Klaus Schwab champions the 4th Industrial Revolution and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world”
Martin Armstrong believed that traders self-taught in economics have a better grasp of finance and economics than someone who spent their life in academia.
“As far as economics is concerned, of course, the first economic course was at Cambridge in 1902. Therefore, that means all those who preceded 1902 were self-taught in economics from Adam Smith and David Ricardo to Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes who also had no formal Economics Degree – John Maynard Keynes was educated at King’s College, Cambridge from 1902–1906” he wrote.
Martin Armstrong pointed out that when John Maynard Keynes put forward his idea’s academics thought his views were absurd. Keynes was formerly trained in mathematics. But the mathematician, self-taught economist fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.
During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economic thinking, challenging the ideas of neoclassical economics that held that free markets would, in the short to medium term, automatically provide full employment, as long as workers were flexible in their wage demands
“Only when the Great Depression unfolded did, they turn to Keynes when the academics failed back then as well. But Keynes never advocated deficit spending perpetually and also advocated lowering taxes as a tool to stimulate the economy” wrote Martin Armstrong.
“Those of us who come from the real world of trading, do not have the luxury to create Utopian theories that sound nice” – Martin Armstrong
Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement, he claims that academics have molded Keynes school of thinking to support their ideology
“It was the academics and their socialist agenda that supported deficit spending year after year but always advocated raising taxes to achieve Marx’s social justice. Sadly, what many believe is Keynesian Economics is a socialistic distortion of what Keynes advocated” wrote Martin Armstrong.
“It was always traders who advanced the study of economics – not academics. If you look at the first analyst to establish supply and demand, it was John Law who was a trader on the exchange in Amsterdam and observed it from market activity. Even Adam Smith used John Law’s examples in “Wealth of Nations” actually investigated Law’s work to come up with his invisible hand. There was David Ricardo, who also made a fortune as a trader. Those are the three greats and none of them had a formal economics degree” wrote Martin Armstrong.
Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement in driving the Great Reset and he believes that successful traders would be better equipped to coming up with solutions that work
“Those of us who come from the real world of trading, do not have the luxury to create Utopian theories that sound nice. We had to come up with ideas that worked because your money was really on the line. Unless you have traded, you will never understand that the market is always right. If you do not listen to the market, you will lose everything” he wrote.
“I find it ironic that here we have Kaus Schwab telling the world how his Marxist ideas of social justice must be adopted. He just advocated the fake virus to justify using these lockdowns to crush the economy destroying small businesses that are the future and employ 70% of the people” wrote Martin Armstrong.
“Unfortunately, for Klaus, our AI system which is the only fully functional system in the world is forecasting that he will fail” – Martin Armstrong
Here is the bit why Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement in the Great Reset
“All of this to achieve his (Kaus Schwab) New Green Communist World Order.
He is an academic who has never had a real job and so callously disposes of the future of our society and dares to think it would work better if he played God and reordered society to function as he decrees”. wrote Martin Armstrong.
But it is not going to end well for WEF, according to Martin Armstrong
“Unfortunately, for Klaus, our AI system which is the only fully functional system in the world is forecasting that he will fail. He will be lucky if the people do not storm his headquarters, drag him out with all his accomplices and burn them at the stake or behead them the old fashion way. He has no concept that he is destroying the financial stability of families and thinks he can just hand out Guaranteed Basic Income for all the countless millions he puts out of work” wrote Martin Armstrong.
“Of course, I call this Communism 3.0 because what is different is that he is not planning on confiscating the assets of the elite” adds Martin Armstrong.
So, Martin Armstrong frets over academic involvement in the Great Reset, and his computer model is forecasting the failure of Kaus Schwab’s WEF build back better vision.