Martin Armstrong latest insights on an array of issues ranging from the gold forecast to China and where to weather these tumultuous times in his most recent interview.

The likelihood of a failing state weighs the most on gold prices, according to Martin Armstrong latest insights

Martin Armstrong noted that gold bottomed in 1976 at 100 USD and rose to 400 dollars in September 1979. 

“The real mover of gold is not inflation, but the collapse of confidence in the government, and that is what we are facing at this point,” he said. 

“The real mover of gold is not inflation, but the collapse of confidence in the government, and that is what we are facing at this point”


Martin Armstrong latest insight is that 2024 could be the year of political hell

“It is not just the US. Look elsewhere, and there are elections everywhere, from Russia to the US, the UK, and the EU presidency is up for elections,” he said.  

It is like taking whatever politics there is, putting it in a jar, and pouring it out. It is just crazy everywhere,” he added. 

Martin Armstrong latest insights for the coming decade and de-dollarisation according to his economic confidence model 

“What our computer is showing for 2032, all governments are changing and that applies to China as well,” he said. 

“China warned its provinces and banks not to borrow in dollars.  

They were doing so because interest rates were cheap,” he said. 

He noted that the Chinese authorities did not ban US dollar loans when interest rates were cheap. “They did not act as an authoritarian they probably should have, just simply outlawed it, but they didn’t.

So that is why you have banks failing,” he said. 

“there are elections everywhere, from Russia to the US, the UK, and the EU presidency is up for elections”


He believes that the Chinese and the Russians will not return to communism. “They have all had enough of that stuff,” he said. 

“There are a lot of billionaires in Russia and China, they are not communists anymore,” added Martin Armstrong.  

Regarding The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) he said the party name is outdated. It is not communist. 

“But if they changed the party name, they would have to take down Mao’s picture. 

It would be a significant psychological announcement to admit they were wrong for fifty years,” and he added,

“China has opened up to free travel and private ownership, they have just kept the Party name.”  

“I am hoping to see a pullback in gold going into January” – Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong latest insights into the government’s reaction to COVID

“China’s economy got into a lot of trouble because of the COVID stuff, locking people down and when you do that, the GDP collapses. 

People can’t go to work, and a portion of the population lost their homes because they can not work and make payments,” said Martin Armstrong 

“A lot of these politicians, not just in China but all around the world, have begun to realise what they did was serious,” he said. 

The inflation here is because of shortages, and it is not speculation. So, raising interest rates won’t make it rain or anything else.

That is why the Fed is between a rock and a hard place. It sees the inflation and can manipulate the CPI data down and pretend it is not there, but the reality is you go to stores and there are shortages. 

Martin Armstrong latest insights into gold prices 

“I am hoping to see a pullback in gold going into January. If we get a low in January, gold will be in a position to rise most of the year. If you get a new high in January, then it is the opposite,” he said. 

“We have a lot of problems in 2024 politically around the world, and that uncertainty provides the underlying base for gold,” he added. 

“Just look at New City, it is an absolute disaster, rats running around openly on the streets and rising crime rates,” he said. 

“They cut police spending by 5.6 billion dollars and they have taxed congestion cars driving around to clean the air. Meanwhile, they cut the budget for sanitation, so you have clean air but dirty streets,” he said. 

“The net worth of the average German is less than Italian because they keep their taxes very high, and they are afraid of inflation” – Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong latest insights into where best to live

He thinks in the short-term, the US will be best in these turbulent times, with Florida being his preferred state due to low taxes.

He noted that the US has large debt but it also has the largest economy.

“The US economy is consumer-based, compared to Germany which is a mercantile economy. In other words, they manufacture things and want to sell them to someone else,” he said. 

“The net worth of the average German is less than Italian because they keep their taxes very high, and they are afraid of inflation,” he said.  

“So they suppress their people. The mercantile model is from the eighteen hundreds,” he said. 

“In contrast, China has looked at both models and is trying to mimic the consumer base from the US. They understand what made the US the biggest economy in the world,” he added.  

He thinks China is trying to develop its consumer-based economy.

He likes Central America, particularly Mexico, because they didn’t do draconian covid lockdowns.

The leftist idea in South America is shifting, particularly in Argentina, where they want to dollarise the economy.

But he doesn’t think pegging to the dollar is a good idea. 

“US inflation is exported immediately to them,” he said. 

Civilisation collapses because you get complete corruption, he said. 

“You are looking at a situation where the 2024 election result will not be accepted by either side if they lose, claiming that the elections are fake. It is a building up, you can see it,” he said.

The fact that Trump’s legal case is pushing up his popularity is flagging a collapse, a legitimation crisis in the government itself.