Martin Armstrong sees a world order power struggle underway with geopolitics firmly on investors’ radar heading into 2024.
The legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst has a string of accurate forecasts, under his belt from the 1987 crash, the top of the Japanese market, the Russian financial crisis of 1998 and the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008.
Martin Armstrong believes that markets are cyclical. Moreover, he sees many cycles within a cycle. He believes economic panics occur every 8.6 years (or 3141 days, approximately π × 1000), hence the “pi” cycle, which he uses when making forecasts.

“Martin Armstrong believes that markets are cyclical. Moreover, he sees many cycles within a cycle. He believes economic panics occur every 8.6 years”
Martin Armstrong sees a world order power struggle where he correctly predicted chaos would spread globally in 2023
Two competing global systems ideologically, economically and financially independent, one based on the old world-order debt system and the other based on trade, commodities are locking swords.
Martin Armstrong sees a world order power struggle between autocracies and democracies
But the crux of this world-order power struggle is a waning financial system based on highly leveraged indebted economies versus emerging commodity production-based economies rejecting the debt model which they perceived as modern colonialism.
So a BRICS independent economic system is developing outside a US dollar-centric world and its members are touting it as trade based on mutual benefits rather than coercion.
Russia has agreed to take the BRICS chair in 2024. There is an open discussion about creating a BRICS currency based on a basket of member currencies, which would be anchored to commodities to give the currency a backbone.

“the crux of this world-order power struggle is a waning financial system based on highly leveraged indebted economies versus emerging commodity production-based economies rejecting the debt model which they perceived as modern colonialism”
But is this just version two of a US-centric debt system?
China is Africa’s largest bilateral lender for public sector loans since 2015 and accounts for over 13% of the continent’s debt
The BRICS pull for the likes of Africa is that they get something for something, the development of infrastructure, roads, tangible goods, and tried and tested Russian arms.
What is the US-centric system offering Africa?
The multi-trillion dollar treasuries market is the US’s greatest export that nobody wants unless a gun is held to their head. Green energy is another hard sell, particularly if the continent has ambitions to develop its productive economy and create sustainable profitable businesses to lift millions of its young people out of poverty.
In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has been in talks to sell oil to China and be paid in yuan.
The inability of NATO to prevent a Ukraine invasion, the geographical centre of Europe, has proven Russia a force to be reckoned with.
“We are looking at a sovereign default. Governments are pushed to the limit at this stage” – Martin Armstrong
It took NATO a decade and many billions of dollars to train and equip Ukraine to fight Russia. In a little over a year, Ukraine is destroyed, with half a million dead soldiers, many more injured, and more than half Ukraine population fleeing the country. Ukraine has been destroyed. Russia is now the largest single army in Europe, its weapons have been tried and tested against NATO and the results speak for themselves.
Coalitions melt under the heat of war.
What country can raise 400,000 soldiers overnight and has the fabs, the raw materials within its borders to keep the wheels of a war machine turning?
Surely, it is Europe’s strategic and economic interests to have Russia as a trading partner and not an enemy.
Europe would naturally pivot along the Silk Road but Martin Armstrong sees a world order power struggle underway where satellites and populations are sacrificed
If it is true that the EU is a US satellite, a pawn to be sacrificed to cover up a US sovereign debt crisis, and USD collapse then the continent could become a future Ukraine, a wrecked battleground.
“We are looking at a sovereign default. Governments are pushed to the limit at this stage. You even had Fed Head Jay Powell come out last week and say ‘The spending is unsustainable.’
The Biden Administration is a complete corrupt absolute disaster. It’s not really Biden . . . he’s just there to sign whatever they stick in front of him.”
“Lockdowns are coming to America again. This is to prevent civil unrest. So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff. This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.” – Martin Armstrong
Martin Armstrong sees a world order power struggle underway where there will be internal and external battles clouding a US sovereign debt crisis
He notes that a debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight.
But Poor and broke, is how revolutions and civil unrest start, especially against the government that caused all the problems.
Martin Armstrong believes this is why the Southern U.S. border has been wide open for the past three years.
The Deep State corrupt Biden Administration (RINO Republicans included) want terrorists to come to America and commit awful acts of violence and murder. Why? Martin Armstrong explains,
“You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts…
Terrorism leads to lockdowns. As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving. You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’ …
Lockdowns are coming to America again. This is to prevent civil unrest.
So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff.
This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.”
Martin Armstrong thinks interest rates and inflation will continue to head higher.
Martin Armstrong sees a world order power struggle and a USD melt-up continuing because capital will flow to the US in times of crisis and war
But he sees all fiat currencies crashing to earth like a waterfall, with USD being the last to hit the bottom.
Regarding the Hamas attacks, he said the attack is much deeper than anyone imagines.
Martin Armstrong recommends getting tangible assets, which include gold and silver as core assets.