Martin Armstrong sees Europe in the Crosshairs of the current post-unipolar world.
The dissolution of US hegemony, where one great power lords over global foreign policy, influences foreign policy of other states, polices world shipping lanes, and shapes international trade, came to a climax in February 2022 when the former Soviet Union, Russia, reclaimed its former Soviet republic, Ukraine.
Ukraine is a geopolitical, strategic energy logistic hub, Europe’s breadbasket, and the current battleground of a post-unipolar world, a bipolar world.
But bipolarity, where there is no longer a unilateral world order, is often characterized by a period of Great geopolitical uncertainties and dangers for investors.

“Ukraine is a geopolitical, strategic energy logistic hub, Europe’s breadbasket, and the current battleground of a post-unipolar world, a bipolar world”
This transitional bipolar world order era is creating a global power vacuum, which contributes to regional tension between nations
News headlines are already flagging deteriorating geopolitics. So Armenia is requesting Russian military assistance as fighting breaks out. China continues to build support for the “reunification” of Taiwan.
The Iran nuclear talks with Israel are dead, according to Israel’s Prime Minister.
Bipolarity is a period of global anarchy, geopolitical uncertainties, disharmony, and potentially war, where Martin Armstrong sees Europe in the Crosshairs.
Great powers are like alpha dogs. When hostile posturing doesn’t deter the other from occupying territory, they often resort to fighting. The males of former Empires have aggression in their DNA.
So this current bipolar world order is transitory, and after periods of geopolitical uncertainty, the world order cycle reverts to a unipolar world. But this power struggle is ongoing. The world order cycle can take a century or more to complete from unipolar, bipolar to unipolar.

“Great powers are like alpha dogs. When hostile posturing doesn’t deter the other from occupying territory, they often resort to fighting”
Perhaps the greatest risk for investors is where we currently lie in the world order cycle, where Martin Armstrong sees Europe in the crosshairs
As explained, we don’t see Fed tightening or a recession as the greatest threat for investors. These markets are already centrally planned. Central banks are in the business of keeping the debt monetary system stable where capitalism needs investors. Over the long term, the stock market is engineered financially to outperform cash deposit accounts.
The Federal Reserve will eventually pivot, thereby fostering favorable conditions for risk assets.
So back to the world order cycle, which is where we believe the risks lie for investors, neither great power can concede the loss of Ukraine from its orbit. The anglocentric US dollar hegemonic world order will go rapidly into retreat if it falls outside the US-centric world.
“Vladimir Putin believes that Washington is sacrificing Europe to maintain global dominance” – Martin Armstrong
In a Darwinian power struggle, there is no right or wrong, just kingpins battling for the throne, with its people who are the pawns.
In other words, Ukraine is the 21 st century battleground for hegemony, which is why Martin Armstrong sees Europe in the Crosshairs.
There are more US military bases on the European continent than anywhere else in the world. Most US military bases are in Germany, also Japan. In WW2, the US did not spill its blood and treasure for nothing. Today its military bases occupy western Europe and Japan. The US has conquered and occupied every nation, except Russia, that threatens its hegemony, its US dollar reserve currency status, and the exorbitant privileges associated with being the reserve currency.
“Vladimir Putin believes that Washington is sacrificing Europe to maintain global dominance. The United States has always been the world police and the top country that others turn to in times of crisis. America’s post-World War II status left it as the financial capital of the world, and the dollar has remained the world’s reserve currency. Nothing has topped the dollar,” wrote Martin Armstrong.
There are similarities between the Ant colonies and great powers. The queen ant will sacrifice its colonies to remain dominant. So the US could decide to sacrifice Europe, a US satellite, to fight Russia.
My greatest fear is that we could be on the doorstep of WW3, where the prize, the final conquest, the pillaging and plundering of Russia’s vast natural resources.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” – Albert Einstein
What would emerge out of the ashes would be a global world order, a hegemonic power ruling the world, one world government, and one world currency. Global eltiest with global neo serfs.
In 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama, but it was a red-herring. Barack Obama oversaw one trillion US dollars of expenditure on modernizing nuclear weapons.
Martin Armstrong sees Europe in the Crosshairs, and he could be right, war broke out in eastern Europe in February, and there are no signs of it de-escalating
Great powers, the nuclear heavyweights are now engaged in a fight for their survival.
On the one corner, Russia is fighting not to end up being another Iraq, on the other corner, the US is fighting not to meet a similar fate of the collapse of the Roman Empire with its currency ending worthless.
So there are two great powers, nuclear-armed to the teeth fighting for their survival, where Martin Armstrong sees Europe in the Crosshairs.
‘I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones,’ Albert Einstein.
Martin Armstrong questions in his piece whether the US is sacrificing Europe to maintain global dominance.
But from the unquestionable support from EU politicians for the war in Ukraine and Russian sanctions, despite the hardship on its citizens, one can only question whose interest these politicians represent.