Martin Armstrong spells out his view on Europe’s worst war since WW2, which his computer model predicted would start in 2013.
He agrees with the scholarly view that the US instigated the 2014 revolution, culminating in an interim non-elected government which prosecuted the Donbas war.
Modus Operandi; Martin Armstrong spells out his view
The Ukrainian War was choreographed similarly to previous wars.
“Iraq weapons of mass destruction didn’t exist, Assad didn’t do the chemical attacks on his people,” he said.
He noted their goal is to grab headlines and spur the public to go to war on fake facts.
“There was even an investigation on President FDR. They had broken the Japanese code and knew the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbour. FDR wanted that because he wanted Congress to approve war,” he said.

“Iraq weapons of mass destruction didn’t exist, Assad didn’t do the chemical attacks on his people”
“FDR did the same thing Biden did to Russia, froze all their money and confiscated everything. The US was an energy supplier at the time, so he put an embargo on that, and when the Japanese said they would get oil elsewhere, he said we would block that, so the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour,” he added.
The day before Putin entered Donbas, Zelenskyy stood up and said we will get nuclear arms.
“A journalist asked Merkel why don’t enforce the Minsk Agreement, and you have to wonder whether she had too much to drink that night, or whatever, but she told the truth. Oh, we never intended to honour that, we only did that to allow Ukraine to build an army,” he said, quoting Merkel.
“Why should China, Russia or anyone enter an agreement with the West if that is their attitude,” he said.
The love of War; Martin Armstrong spells out his view
“It seems that these people love war, it’s their version of a football game, where we have to beat them,” he said.
Louis XIV on his deathbed last parting words;” I think I have loved war too much.”
These warmongers are Republicans and Democrats with financial incentives.
“Dick Cheney’s former company Halliburton won all the contracts in the Iraq war,” he said.

“It seems that these people love war, it’s their version of a football game, where we have to beat them”
No higher authority
“There is no rule. Putin can not be indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), for the invasion of Ukraine because Russia is not a member. Bush will never be indicted by the ICC for war crimes in Iraq because the US is not a member of the ICC. Only member countries can be indicted,” he said.
“China, Russia, and a few other BRICS countries, and the Vatican is trying to broker peace because they know where this is going, WW3. Ukraine is not going to exist as a country after 2026,” he said.
“Inflation will continue mainly because of war where there is no resistance”
– Martin Armstrong
Neocons want war; Martin Armstrong spells out his view
The West is using Ukraine as a proxy war, and if every Ukrainian dies, great, we have got to go and avenge them now. Neocons want war, and we are not going to stop it.
Reason for endless wars
He explained that the US was bankrupt in 1896 and, after WW1 and WW2, became the world’s largest economy. Meanwhile, Europe was busy blowing each other up, so all the money came here.
By the end of WW2, the US had 76% of the gold reserves.
“With tanks going down the street in Europe, will you leave your money there?”, he asked.
So for the hegemon, war strengthens the throne, with a rich inflow of capital, both currency and human. The ratlines post WW2, an inflow of German rocket scientists, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and a plentiful supply of PHD mathematicians and computer programmers.
Divide, conquer, pillage, and plunder, then drape it all with a stars and stripes flag.
Martin Armstrong spells out his view on inflation and the 2024 election
“Inflation will continue mainly because of war where there is no resistance,” he said.
He sees higher prices and shortages continuing.
“Sometimes, when I go to the shop, I can’t find eggs,” he said.
Inflation started rising in 2020 before the Fed raised rates.
The Fed first raised rates two weeks after the Ukraine invasion and knows that war is the worst inflationary aspect. There is no accountability for whatever they dump in the black hole in Ukraine. Inflation will continue higher into 2024. The war necessitates money printing, he noted.
“Fed doesn’t create as much money as Congress with the debt. If you want to trade gold futures, you can borrow against treasury notes. So the debt is money that pays interest. This is probably how JP Morgan suppressed the gold market.
He thinks the 2024 election will not be genuine; there is so much at stake for these people. Neocons have finally got control of the Whitehouse, the IMF, ICC and NATO. “There has been a silent coup and a relentless march towards WW3; they want to conquer Russia,” he said.
“When Russia went into Crimea, in 2014 Obama decided to remove Russia from SWIFT, which they declined to do, arguing they were a payment system, not politicale” – Wealth Training Company
Politicizing the dollar; Martin Armstrong spells out his view
What makes the US the reserve currency is that you can park billions of dollars in debt and stocks and whatever,
The BRICS don’t have that market depth and liquidity.
But he noted that what Biden did with SWIFT has divided the world economy.
When Russia went into Crimea, in 2014 Obama decided to remove Russia from SWIFT, which they declined to do, arguing they were a payment system, not political.
So they removed the head of SWIFT 2014 with a yes man.
They have now divided the world economy in half, and you have given the green light for China’s alternative CIPS system.
The IMF is lobbying to be a reserve currency, and they have created a digital coin to replace the US dollar.
The corruption in all these agencies is mind boggling, and the principle of freedom and democracy no longer exists.
He cited Canada’s Trudeau freezing people’s money because they donated to the truckers. “What is the legal basis of this?”, he asked.
Washington has had a silent coup. Neocons on both parties all want war.
Referring to JFK, he said they wanted a Vietnam war, but he didn’t want that, so he was taken out.
See Martin Armstrong spells out his view, full interview here.