Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics through his approximately half a million pounds of funding to the Conservative Party since the last election. 

Michael Hintze was handed a peerage by Boris Johnson in 2022. 

The hedge fund billionaire investor is a financial backer of the Tories who also donates to the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), which claims to be a non-partisan think tank.

Michael Hintze’s declared donations to the UK Conservative Party since 2019 amounted to £366,790, including more than £100,000 in 2024. 

“Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics through his approximately half a million pounds of funding to the Conservative Party”


Lobbying for big oil; Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics 

Perhaps this is similar to activist investing, where the government is privatized into a corporation with wealthy investors buying a stake and indirectly influencing policy through political donations and campaign contributions. 

A plutocratic system is where an elite or ruling class derives power from their wealth.

A Government by the wealth, for the wealthy.

If we had a democracy, a government of the people for the people, we would not have a wealth divide akin to Victorian times. 

For billionaires and investors who lobby governments through donations and campaign contributions, the only difference between right and left-wing governments is lobbying costs; the latter is cheaper.

Billionaires love champagne socialist governments, George Soros comes to mind.   

“Billionaires love champagne socialist governments, George Soros comes to mind”


Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics, GWPF

But who is GWPF?

The lobby group was founded in 2009 by former Conservative Chancellor, Nigel Lawson, and has been lobbying the government to scrap its target to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

In March, GWPF argued that there was a mistaken belief that weather extremes – such as heatwaves, flooding, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires – are more common and more intense today because of climate change”, which goes against the scientific consensus.

The GWPF has always been reluctant to fully disclose its donors, so we can speculate big oil is behind it.

In 2012, the left-leaning Guardian reported that Hintze, invested in carbon energy, financially backed GWPF.

Two years later, 2014 GWPF, a registered charity, was investigated by the Charity Commission in 2014 and found to have breached rules limiting political activity by charities.

Net Zero Watch is a company funded by donors who wish to remain confidential.  

But Net Zero is not independent, having lobbied MPs by providing briefings questioning climate policy.

“The GWPF continues to refuse to disclose fully its donors”
Wealth Training Company

Allegedly a source of misinformation, Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics, GWPF

The climate emergency is scaremongering, claims the GWPF lobby group.  

“The GWPF is not transparent about its funding and stands accused of being a major source of misinformation about climate change in the UK”.

Headquartered in 55 Tufton Street, London – the home of several other opaquely- funded pressure groups that campaign against net zero policies.

The fossil fuel industry has been polluting our politics for decades with donations to MPs, lobbying meetings and sponsored events to delay and prevent the vital climate action that we need,” he said.

Sally Clark, Friends of the Earth Scotland

GWPF is bedfellows with the UK Labour government

There is bipartisan support in the UK for big oil. 

Graham Stringer, MP for Blackley and Broughton in Greater Manchester, has been a GWPF director since 2015.  

Graham Stringer has questioned climate science and policies to achieve net zero emissions.

Do not hold your breath for bold climate action from the new labour government. 

The GWPF continues to refuse to disclose fully its donors. 

In 2012, GWPF, a registered charity, was investigated by the Charity Commission in 2014 and found to have breached rules limiting political activity by charities.

Net Zero Watch was incorporated following GWPF being declared in breach of Charity Commission rules to front its campaigns.

Net Zero Watch is a private independent company funded by private donations. Net Zero Watch has lobbied MPs by providing briefings questioning climate policy.

“Only 8% of the UK election debate discussed climate”
Wealth Training Company

The Pushing back surrounding Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics

MPs and the Good Law Project have urged the Charity Commission to open an investigation into GWPF.  

The Commission found the lobby group could not have charitable status because it was lobbying for Net Zero Watch. 

They have urged the regulator to strip the GWPF of its charitable status, arguing it does not meet its aims as a charity and is a lobbying group.

Net Zero Watch claims that it highlights the grave implications of expensive and poorly considered climate change policies.

Net Zero Watch argued that private donations finance it, which fails to reveal who those backers are on its website. 

“In order to make clear its complete independence, we do not accept gifts from either energy companies or anyone with a significant interest in an energy company,” a statement on its site says.

Investor implications of Michael Hintze funds net zero climate sceptics 

Polluted politics could mean going long-polluting energy and short, clean energy

The ruling elites and the plebs are turning against so-called clean energy, which is an unstoppable force.

Only 8% of the UK election debate discussed climate.

The worst cost of living crisis in generations means the population is all ears for affordable food, shelter and energy and has no time or interest in alternative energies, which increases the burden of buying necessities. 

We would not be surprised to see a walk back from 2035 law to ban the sale of new liquid petroleum gas, petrol and diesel cars, including hybrid vehicles.

So, have you got dirty energy in your portfolio which could outperform?

Slowing global macroeconomics and another black Swan event, global lockdowns are the only likely headwind for big oil and gas.