Peter Schiff warns Fed will wipe out investors view, is a contrarian one which goes against the “don’t fight the Fed” crowd.
Referring to Fed Chair Jay Powell’s recent 60 Minutes interview, May 17 Peter Schiff said, “the Fed is willing to print as much money as they want and they are asking Congress to spend as much as they want and monetize an infinite amount of government spending” said Peter Schiff.
“That is good for the market short term, but disastrous for the economy, it will destroy the value of the dollar” he added.

“the Fed is willing to print as much money as they want and they are asking Congress to spend as much as they want and monetize an infinite amount of government spending”
The crux to Peter Schiff warns Fed will wipe out investors view is based on rising inflation
“Sure stock will go up, but if you are pricing them in worthless currency there is a limit to how much the Fed can print, and that is when the US dollar collapses in value, money that doesn’t buy you anything” said Peter Schiff.
But to date, the US dollar index remains stable as other major central banks embark on massive liquidity, in the wake of the coronavirus generate lockdowns. Moreover, demand for US treasuries shows no signs of abating.
Peter Schiff warns Fed will wipe out investors view is based on a silent transition to neo socialism, where big government is being funded by inflation, through the creation of money printing, rather than taxation
“What is needed is a reduction in government spending, if you believe that we need more government, it needs to be paid for by taxation and not by inflation” said Peter Schiff.

“Sure stock will go up, but if you are pricing them in worthless currency there is a limit to how much the Fed can print, and that is when the US dollar collapses in value, money that doesn’t buy you anything”
“But the problem is everyone is broke, leveraged to the tilt because Fed has made one mistake after the other to inflate one bubble after another,” said Peter Schiff. “This bubble was already deflating when the coronavirus put a gaping hole in it” he added.
Peter Schiff warns Fed will wipe out investors because the Fed’s unprecedented liquidity is creating a fake bull market, put simply investors are piling into a bubble
“We are paying for the government through inflation” – Peter Schiff
“All they are thinking of doing is reflating the bubble, but they should not be doing this, all they are going to be doing is deflate the US dollar” said Peter Schiff.
“Investors need to be vaccinated from the massive inflation that the fed is going to unleash” he added. “We are paying for the government through inflation” said Peter Schiff.
Peter Schiff people are ready to abandon capitalism and embrace neosocialism. “Then the real pain will begin” he said.
“What we had before COVID-19 was not normal, we had a bubble. So if we had vaccines could we go back to that bubble? I think the answer is no, we cannot go back to that bubble” he said.
Peter Schiff sees a short-term tepid recovery, then a depression. What is going to make this depression extra painful is much higher consumer prices and ultimately higher long term interest rates, unemployment, and a weak economy” he said.
Peter Schiff warns Fed will wipe out investors, so how does he think investors can avoid the calamity?
“Gold and silver, haven silver is a bargain. There is a lot of legs in the silver rally. Gold mining stock represents the best risk-reward out there. Invest in countries with sound economies that aren’t destroying their currencies. All currency is losing value you can see that in terms of gold” said Peter Schiff in his interview.