Peter Schiff warns of parabolic debt, which he believes is spiralling out of control. 

The US National Debt clock in real-time is fast approaching 34 trillion dollars as annual interest on the debt is nearly 700 Billion dollars, which is almost the size of the US annual defence budget. 

Can the Empire afford to go to war with its finances in such a perilous state? Maybe that is why Empires go to war, for treasure. 

But there is no more low-hanging fruit. 

“The US National Debt clock in real-time is fast approaching 34 trillion dollars”


Biden says the US must be prepared to fight Russia. 

From bankruptcy to a MAD footing, is anyone in the room surprised that gold has recently hit an all-time high? The new digital gold BTC is on the launch pad. An insurance policy bet against what appears to be self-destructive policies, monetary extreme easing to choke hold tightening or geopolitical war drum-banging, is still going cheap.  

Peter Schiff warns of parabolic debt, and for the perma gold bug, gold is the ultimate liferaft

Peter Schiff thinks gold mining stocks are selling at deep discounts. 

“This, you know, one is—and this is kind of ironic—but inflation has hurt gold mining companies. You would have thought, well, inflation is going to be good for gold miners because it’s going to mean people are going to want to buy gold to hedge inflation. The gold price is going to go up, and so you would think that the miners would benefit from inflation. But what happened was inflation pushed up the cost of mining, their raw material costs, you know, their energy cost, their labour costs,” he said.

“inflation has hurt gold mining companies”


Investing in gold mining stocks was a good play in the 70s stagflation era. However, investing in gold mining stocks is far more risky than investing in physical gold. In times of heightened geopolitical uncertainties, particularly today, invading armies can take over gold mines.

If the war in Europe escalates, shortages of everything, high prices and falling living standards for most could be the norm. 

A war economy drains scarce resources, leaving the civil economy with scraps. If there is such a thing as a winner and a loser in WW3, the latter currency, civil order and system of government collapse. In other words, the conquered side ends in a failed state, with the winer taking all. Think WW2, Germany. 

“It takes about 80 years to forget the horrors of war”
Wealth Training Company

But that was before the age of nuclear weapons, with the doctrine of MAD prevailing. Terror threats of these hideous weapons kept the peace in Europe. The prevailing view is hair-raising as superpowers shift their thinking from the Doctrine of MAD to the tactical use of nuclear weapons to win a war. 

Perhaps the famous photo of FDR, Churchill and Stalin in their uneasy WW2 alliance was a clue that the three nations would meet again as adversaries on the battlefields next century.

It takes about 80 years to forget the horrors of war.   

WW3 could be about the total domination of Europe and the world, with Russia being the final conquest. No army has conquered Russia. 

Peter Schiff warns of parabolic debt, but the march towards an escalating war, which could be related to the debt, is more concerning.