Warren Buffett’s wealth advice, as the global stock market tanks around the world, could not come at a more timely moment. Warren Buffett’s wealth advice or tip for young people is to focus on learning how to write and speak clearly.
“The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal” says Buffett in a recent video posted on LinkedIn.

“The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal”
Why is communication skills such a prominent part of Warren Buffett’s wealth advice?
If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens. You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it,” said Warren Buffett. And the transmission is communication,” added Warren Buffett, who is currently worth more than $86 billion, according to Forbes.
So Warren Buffett’s wealth advice is to become an effective communicator
What do other successful billionaire investors entrepreneurs think, do they agree with Warren Buffett’s wealth advise?
Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson agrees that being able to communicate effectively is critical to being a success.

“If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens”
Today, if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you also have to be a storyteller” the British businessman said in 2016 blog post.
“Of course, it is no use being a good storyteller if your product or idea is rubbish. But it is not enough to create a great product; you also have to work out how to et people know about it”.
Warren Buffett’s wealth advice was put forward in an interview where Buffett was asked the following question; So you are talking to people that are 21, 22, just graduating school. What is one tip that you can give them?”
“I was terrified of public speaking when I was in high school and college” – Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett’s wealth advice of being an effective communicator was not an innate skill that came naturally for the billionaire investors.
“I was terrified of public speaking when I was in high school and college” Buffett said in a BBC video, published in 2009. “I couldn’t do it. I mean I would throw up and everything.”
So how did Warren Buffett become an effective communicator?
When Warren Buffett was younger he took a public speaking course at Dale Carnegie, the workplace training and professional skills development organization founded by author Dale Carnegie.
“I actually have the diploma in the office. And I don’t have my diploma from a college, I don’t have my diploma from the graduate school, but I have got my Dale Carnegie diploma there because it changed my life,” said Warren Buffett in the video.
Warren Buffett’s wealth advice is for you to improve your own skills and invest in yourself.
The octogenarian tells the interviewer, “Invest in yourself”.