Linda Bradford Raschke (born 1959, Pasadena, California, US).

The world of professional trading and money management is dominated by men on both sides of the Atlantic. Financial exchanges were (and to some extent still are today) a misogynous world. Several decades ago women were not allowed to become members and were booed if they stepped on the trading floor.

So Linda Bradford Raschke breaks the mold, at least in the US.

Raschke is a world renowned commodities and future trader with a top-notch track record spanning three decades. She has been a full-time professional trader for over 35 years and has a net worth that makes her a multi-millionaire.

Linda Bradford Raschke’s own hedge fund has outperformed many of her male rivals. Indeed, Raschke’s fund was ranked 17th out of 4500 for the best 5-year performance by Barclay’s Hedge.

Females making it on the Street is an interesting trend to watch. The tiny few woman who manage to break into this male-dominated world tends to shine. An unexplained fact is now emerging; Hedge funds run by women outperform.

Linda Bradford Raschke was educated at Occidental College where she earned a Bachelors degree.

She began her professional trading career as a market maker in 1981on the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange. Raschke then moved to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. She became a registered CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) in 1992 and is the principal trader for several funds.

Ten years later, in 2002 Linda Bradford Raschke started her own hedge fund for which she is the CPO (Commodity Pool Operator).

Linda Bradford Raschke is a world renowned commodities and future trader with a top-notch track record spanning three decades.


Linda Bradford Raschke is a momentum trader. Raschke advocates buying the first pull-back after a new high and selling the first rally after a new low.

Furthermore, she believes that the first and last hour of trading gives a big clue as to the market’s trajectory.

The final hour of trading often is a true indication of a trend. “Smart money shows their hand in the last hour, continuing to mark positions in their favor,” said Linda Bradford Raschke.

“As long as a market is having consecutive strong closes, look for up-trend to continue. The uptrend is most likely to end when there is a morning rally first, followed by a weak close” she added.

“High volume on the close implies continuation the next morning in the direction of the last half-hour.”

What about the first hour of trading?
“That establishes the framework for the rest of the trading day,” according to Raschke and she will trade aggressively if there are early signs of a strong trend for the day.

“In the world of money, which is a world shaped by human behavior, nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Mark that word – Nobody!

Thus the successful trader does not base moves on what supposedly will happen but reacts instead to what does happen,”

Moreover, a recurring theme with so many of the world’s top traders is that they believe in having a trading plan and sticking to it.

It never bothered me to lose, because I always knew that I would make it right back. I always knew that no matter what happened, I could go into any marketplace, with any amount of money – Linda Bradford Raschke


Linda Bradford Raschke lectures internationally and provides seminars on trading. She has taught professional and bank traders in over 22 different countries.

In 1995, Linda Bradford Raschke co-authored the best-selling book, Street Smarts—High Probability Short Term Trading Strategies, with Laurence A. Connors

In the following video Linda Bradford Raschke discusses some key steps that you can take to become a better trader.

As long as a market is having consecutive strong closes, look for up-trend to continue. The uptrend is most likely to end when there is a morning rally first, followed by a weak close – Linda Bradford Raschke


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Linda Bradford Raschke